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Home Page of the Trustee Candidate Advisory Council

Trustee Candidate Advisory Council

Established by the Legislature, the Trustee Candidate Advisory Council (TCAC) is charged with developing a statement of the selection criteria to be applied and a description of the responsibilities and duties of a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees. The 24-member council must also identify and recruit qualified candidates for the board, and recommend to the Governor at least two and not more than four candidates for each open seat on the board. The Governor is not bound by these recommendations. (Minnesota Statute 136F.03)

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees consists of 15 members, including three students. The 12 non-student positions have six-year staggered terms. The TCAC recruits candidates for those 12 non-student positions. One-third of those twelve members are up for appointment every two years. (Minnesota Statute 136F.02)

Information about the current Board of Trustees can be found on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Website.

News and Updates

2012 Recommendation Report